Please read this. From my other blogs: reallyspecialpeople.
Why are you so special ? You do
not need to be somebody to be labeled special. Interestingly, the special
needs population, are indeed special people. I spent more than 16 years
in the field of autism, mental retardation, mental illness, the study
and work of the special needs people, is a remarkable experience. I
learned a lot. It is humbling to note, many of the so-called slow and
developmentally challenged people and children, are really faster and
advanced, compared to many of us. They are advanced in many ways - not
materialism. They live life as it should be, and not what it is. Their
innocence protected them from the many pains and evil of the world.
Their truthfulness enable them to smile at you without pretensions, and
conditions. Some people values dogs compared to people. They should try
working, if not adopting people or children with special needs, they are
much better than dogs - they are human beings. I have dogs, but also
look forward each day, enjoying the company of special people.
There are special people out
there. They serve others without conditions. They help others without
publicity. They are honest and happy to help without strings attached.
Why can't we just do that ? It could help us a lot. The many people
serving the poor and the sick. The two health workers, who contracted
the Ebola virus, took the risks, serving people. God will never forget
that. As the Lord said, " If you lose your life in serving me, you will
live again." It is difficult to understand this. It is perplexing and
daunting to think about the consequences of doing the right things. Many
Christians and martyrs died for others. Many non-Christians sacrificed
because of their ideals. What is the difference between a non-Christian,
and Christians of the 21st century ? If you have been chosen to become
really special, you will know the answer.
In losing a dear friend, the pain
can penetrate your inner most being. Losing a friend and a good man, a
selfless soul of a man, is compounding that pain, penetrating your heart
and mind.
I met Past Grand Knight Jack
Buonopane in 2009. An extremely likable person. Caring. Dedicated. A man
of few words but honorable.
He was always there when you call
on him. He was that dedicated, of a leader, and a person, he will not
hesitate to give his shirt off his back at moments notice of a need. I
cannot think of a grandiose word to describe Jack.
Jack is a wonderful person to talk
to. While I was serving as Grand Knight of the Braintree Council, I
would see and talk to Jack after the mass on Sundays at St. Claire
Church in Braintree. St. Claire is one of our parishes in the
jurisdiction of the Braintree Council.
I usually (if I am not at work,
with my regular employment) make it a point to talk and see Jack B.,
seeing and getting his wisdom on Council matters. PGK Jack B. was one of
my Council advisers, while performing my role as grand knight of the
Braintree Council of the Knights of Columbus. He was also in charge of
the Tootsie Roll Program documents processing for applicants (children
with disabilities) . He was exemplary in the performance of his council
Jack B., a friend, a brother, a
father to everyone (Jack has no children, I have been teasing Jack for
years to adopt me.), a husband a knight and good man who choose
greatness by serving others.
This poem ,I am dedicating to the great man who faded away, but soon we will see him, in the day promised.
To Jack from us.
You are not just a man but a good man.
Your wonderful deeds were not forgotten.
You might have left, but we will see you again.
Today is yours, tomorrow ours. Now, you received your everlasting rewards for your greatness.
You are surely missed, and adored.
You are part of us and you will always be.
You have touched so many hearts, you have changed so many lives.
Your commitment to serve not only our Council, but others, have earned a space in our Deity's mansion.
You have shared your kindness and gifts in making our difficult world, a better place to live.
You have embodied the ideals of modesty and kindness, your humility worthy of emulation.
How can we forget you ?
Hello my loyal viewers and readers during the months after May, 2014
I will feature more people after I interview them for this article.
If you know anyone that deserves recognition, please email me at
She is a winner. Ms. Joan Price. In fact, she is my Boston Marathon favorite this year, 2014. She is really a special person.
She taught us that the journey matters, whether you are young or not so
young anymore ? As the saying goes, only horses grow in years, not us.
We walk, we run, the journey is the most rewarding not the destination.
do not mind finishing last. The journey matters. I finished last, I
failed a few times, I stumbled, I mumbled, and I never gave up when some
gave up on me. Remember our race with Continental Air in 1995 ? I was
the last runner to reach the finish
line. I felt like a winner...Remember our climb to Mt. Washington ?
Remember our 86 miles trek from Samos, Spain to Santiago Campostela ?
The journey taught me a lot.
You make decisions. Its yours. Not others to make on your journey. Know what is in your heart not mind.
8:06 p.m., 73-year-old Hull resident Joan Price became the last person
to finish this year's Boston Marathon. She started at 11:30 a.m., but
got lost near the end of the course, she said.
More photos from the finish line:
Yours. Your perception of reality.
Check if there is the possibility of shifting to help others.
Many does not realize that what happens to many people will impact each
one of us, directly or indirectly. The material poverty of so many
people. They are not lazy. They are not dull or dumb.
Being able to travel (traveled and lived in many parts of the world
taught me that all of us, are the same; Breathing the same air except
the polluted air of some cities.
May the Supreme Power in Heaven guide you in your journey.
You only fail when you give up.
Looking at the problem with a ready, well-thought solution
Tonight, one of my fraternal organizations honored Dr. King a Massachusetts General Hospital surgeon, with a service award.
Dr. King is a marathon runner, participated in the Boston Marathon last
2013, and after his marathon run that fateful day in 2013, operated
patients for 30 hours at the MGH - where many victims from the Boston
2013 marathon bombing were taken to the hospital with life threatening
There are so many unsung heroes in the world. You are maybe one of them
When you see children dying of poverty related causes, and people dying from hunger...what do we do ?
Some donates. Are you sure the money you donate is given 100% of its
value to the poor ? Are you sure your money does not create more poverty
among many people ? You have been donating for many years, and why is
it poverty is increasing instead of decreasing ?
We can change things.
1. Empower p... See More
for many years in many parts of the Philippines, and including my
international "adventure" and quest, to answer all my questions since
then; meanwhile, "reminiscing my initial 'awakening' about poverty, in a
grade school for poor people, a 'public elementary school' ..."
UN Diplomats to head of states and many others, I watched and observed them, "intensed" but quietly taking mental notes of their authenticity.
One of them I recently met at a Harvard Conference,
"Professor" Douglas Broderick, a career diplomat.
Another caring soul I met, was the most unusual of all - this person
has a different background and orientation from mine, an Irishman and
career "NSA" man (He died in 2000 from a heart disease) We became close
friends, of course he thought of recruiting me (joke), P.H. knew where I
stand, when it comes to numerous things specially, "States" matter. I
admired PH patriotism and dedication to service. He was not a
politician, he was a "public servant, one of the best among the best
servants I met.
I love people and sincere about my intentions
with others. I want every democratic nations to succeed. I do not like
people being exploited, or oppressed. I believe in old fashion honesty, I
believe in authentic talents not made or molded through the Greeks or
Roman ways. You know what, I meant.
CNS Story:
LABOR DAY Aug-7-2013 (750 words) xxxn
Bishop says joblessness, exploitation denying millions 'honor, respect'
By Mark Pattison
Catholic News Service
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Millions of workers are being denied the honor and
respect they deserve because of a lack of jobs, underemployment, low
wages and exploitation, according to the bishop who heads the U.S.
bishops' Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development.
"Earlier this year, Pope Francis pointed out, 'Work is fundamental to
the dignity of a person. ... It gives one the ability to maintain
oneself, one's family, to contribute to the growth of one's own
nation,'" said Bishop Stephen E. Blaire of Stockton, Calif., in the U.S.
bishops' annual Labor Day statement.
"Unfortunately, millions of workers today are denied this honor and
respect as a result of unemployment, underemployment, unjust wages, wage
theft, abuse and exploitation," Bishop Blaire said. The 1,200-word
statement, dated Labor Day, Sept. 2, was available Aug. 6 on the U.S.
Conference of Catholic Bishops website,
"The economy is not creating an adequate number of jobs that allow
workers to provide for themselves and their families," Bishop Blaire
"More than 4 million people have been jobless for over six months, and
that does not include the millions more who have simply lost hope. For
every available job, there are often five unemployed and underemployed
people actively vying for it. This jobs gap pushes wages down. Half of
the jobs in this country pay less than $27,000 per year. More than 46
million people live in poverty, including 16 million children."
In his message, Bishop Blaire quoted from "Gaudium et Spes" (Pastoral
Constitution on the Church in the Modern World), one of the more
influential documents of the Second Vatican Council: "While an immense
number of people still lack the absolute necessities of life, some, even
in less advanced areas, live in luxury or squander wealth."
"How can it be said that persons honor one another when such
'extravagance and wretchedness exist side by side'?" he asked. Those
words, Bishop Blaire noted, "seem to be just as true today."
Bishop Blaire also quoted from Pope Benedict XVI's 2009 encyclical
"Caritas in Veritate," ("Charity in Truth"), which also dealt in part
with the specter of inequality.
"The dignity of the individual and the demands of justice require,
particularly today, that economic choices do not cause disparities in
wealth to increase in an excessive and morally unacceptable manner,"
Pope Benedict said, "and that we continue to prioritize the goal of
access to steady employment for everyone."
Bishop Blaire spoke of the importance of unions in his statement.
"Since the end of the Civil War, unions have been an important part of
our economy because they provide protections for workers and more
importantly a way for workers to participate in company decisions that
affect them. Catholic teaching has consistently affirmed the right of
workers to choose to form a union. The rise in income inequality has
mirrored a decline in union membership," he said.
"Unions, like all human institutions, are imperfect, and they must
continue to reform themselves so they stay focused on the important
issues of living wages and appropriate benefits, raising the minimum
wage, stopping wage theft, standing up for safe and healthy working
conditions, and other issues that promote the common good."
The bishop also spoke about how workers' issues are tied to other
issues. "High unemployment and underemployment are connected to the rise
in income inequality," he said. Such inequality leads to an erosion of
social cohesion, he said, and puts democracy at risk.
"The pain of the poor and those becoming poor in the rising economic
inequality of our society is mounting," Bishop Blaire added.
At its best, private enterprise creates "decent jobs," contributes to the common good and puts people ahead of profits, he said.
"Whenever possible we should support businesses and enterprises that
protect human life and dignity, pay just wages and protect workers'
rights," Bishop Blaire added. "We should support immigration policies
that bring immigrant workers out of the shadows to a legal status and
offer them a just and fair path to citizenship, so that their human
rights are protected and the wages for all workers rise."
At the end of the Mass, the congregation is sent forth to "go and
announce the Gospel of the Lord," he noted, and everyone departs with "a
sense of mission to show one another honor by what we do and say."
"On this Labor Day, our mission takes us to the millions of people who
continue to suffer the effects of the current economy," he said.
The material poverty of the many, cannot be solve by the few. - Rodolfo Panizales
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