Steve Job, Coco Chanel, Henry Ford, Koby Bryant, Michael Jordan, Bill Gate, Michael Dell and many others have no college education but succeeded with their visions...
On knowledge:
Socrates heralded as one of the greatest teacher, admired and emulated by a student he never met - Plato. Plato only heard about Socrates from others. Socrates never wrote anything, and yet he is considered one of the greatest minds. Albert Einstein failed his college entrance - Albert Einstein, one the greatest scientist, a brilliant visionary, and activist that changed our theory, perception and interpretation of our world.
We only know what we know - Socrates
(Are we continuing sophistry in our generation because our college students owes(d) so much money before and after graduation ?
Why is it college education is expensive ?
Experiences is the greatest foundation of knowledge - Einstein
Education, money and happiness:
Education and money are not the same. Our future discussion about the correlation of money, happiness and education.
Education is essential in life. Education is not just about making money or getting a diploma. Education liberates us from our ignorance, biases, stereotypes, and our "stupidity" about our own world. I get mad when people call me stupid. Sometimes, I feel stupid because I think money is the solution to many of our problems.
Many societies were obsessed with money. According to many people, money is the answer to everything.
Money cannot buy happiness. You can buy a funny movie, can you force yourself to laugh ? You can buy a nice comfortable and expensive bed. Can you buy your happy and restful sleep tonight ? You can buy the most expensive hamburger ($5,000.00) but can you buy your appetite and happiness having the most expensive hamburger ?
On Socialism (State and Workers), and Capitalism
Political pundits have the definition of socialism and capitalism.
Semantics and rhetorical arguments of each system can be convincing. But, what is real ? What is sustainable for the humankind ?
Any socialist state or capitalist state solved the problems of material poverty among the majority of the world's population ?
We have been arguing about the effective system - for more than 200 years ? Any solutions at hand ?
Many people fought and died for their ideology. Commendable.
USA fought the communist. In Vietnam millions of people died during the war. My Adidas is made from Vietnam, and I bought the tennis shoes from the USA. China and USA are partners in a trillion+ dollars businesses. Apple products are made in China. We buy goods made in China. China is still a socialist state. We fought them before. Walmart biggest consumer goods supplier is China.
Walmart is owned by Sam Walton and family. All are Americans doing business with the Communist people of China. Most of us buy from Walmart. Cheaper goods made in the Communist Republic of China.
On humans:
Strength and weakness of each person. Do you know yours ?
Do you know yourself ? Do you know where you are going ?
What is the meaning of your life ?
This is just the beginning of my rambling thoughts...
On knowledge:
Socrates heralded as one of the greatest teacher, admired and emulated by a student he never met - Plato. Plato only heard about Socrates from others. Socrates never wrote anything, and yet he is considered one of the greatest minds. Albert Einstein failed his college entrance - Albert Einstein, one the greatest scientist, a brilliant visionary, and activist that changed our theory, perception and interpretation of our world.
We only know what we know - Socrates
(Are we continuing sophistry in our generation because our college students owes(d) so much money before and after graduation ?
Why is it college education is expensive ?
Experiences is the greatest foundation of knowledge - Einstein
Education, money and happiness:
Education and money are not the same. Our future discussion about the correlation of money, happiness and education.
Education is essential in life. Education is not just about making money or getting a diploma. Education liberates us from our ignorance, biases, stereotypes, and our "stupidity" about our own world. I get mad when people call me stupid. Sometimes, I feel stupid because I think money is the solution to many of our problems.
Many societies were obsessed with money. According to many people, money is the answer to everything.
Money cannot buy happiness. You can buy a funny movie, can you force yourself to laugh ? You can buy a nice comfortable and expensive bed. Can you buy your happy and restful sleep tonight ? You can buy the most expensive hamburger ($5,000.00) but can you buy your appetite and happiness having the most expensive hamburger ?
On Socialism (State and Workers), and Capitalism
Political pundits have the definition of socialism and capitalism.
Semantics and rhetorical arguments of each system can be convincing. But, what is real ? What is sustainable for the humankind ?
Any socialist state or capitalist state solved the problems of material poverty among the majority of the world's population ?
We have been arguing about the effective system - for more than 200 years ? Any solutions at hand ?
Many people fought and died for their ideology. Commendable.
USA fought the communist. In Vietnam millions of people died during the war. My Adidas is made from Vietnam, and I bought the tennis shoes from the USA. China and USA are partners in a trillion+ dollars businesses. Apple products are made in China. We buy goods made in China. China is still a socialist state. We fought them before. Walmart biggest consumer goods supplier is China.
Walmart is owned by Sam Walton and family. All are Americans doing business with the Communist people of China. Most of us buy from Walmart. Cheaper goods made in the Communist Republic of China.
On humans:
Strength and weakness of each person. Do you know yours ?
Do you know yourself ? Do you know where you are going ?
What is the meaning of your life ?
This is just the beginning of my rambling thoughts...