Thursday, August 15, 2013

Is Science racist ? A continuing search...

Notable and popular scientist were mostly white and people from Asian countries namely India, China or Japan.Why so ? Is that a natural anomaly or by design ? Or is it environmental cultural,political,social, and spiritual orientations, or another conspiracy ? Times have changed in the United States of America. Rolex and Timex are common. Many minorities own a Bentley,BMW (black,Hispanics,Asians etc.) have achieved not only the American Dream but attained academic honors and status. Some were caught doing ponzi schemes with some (p)fonzi white folks like Bernie. We have honored a black person with a Federal Holiday,we have elected a mixed bred president,we have same sex marriage in many US States,abortion is legal in the US, the klan lost membership and many of their leaders were convicted of race related crimes,we have snowblowers and whistleblowers, some senior citizens uses viagra, some had contracted STD,AARP is for real, Russians are not a threat but Putin is ? China's central party members are (underc)overzealous capitalists and investors,China decides to foreclose Texas as payment for the 3 trillion dollars + INTEREST- George borrowed to finance the Iraq invasion, what else can you think about the 21st century ? Last night Elvis Presley was cited for speeding by a highway policeman in Las Vegas,X files was taken over by Bones, Modern Family and the Last Man Standing are primetime favorites,the Soprano lost its bid at the NY Lincoln Performance Center,Weiner is running for Mayor of the NYC empire,his political platform: sexting break at noon siesta,meter parking accepts American Express but does not provide discounts,Bill Clinton is not running for president, Hillary will ? 
electronic cigar,the space shuttle is parked at the Smithsonian Museum, bloggers like me are considered "journalist", Washington Post was bought by Amazon,Boston Globe becomes Red Sox exclusive, Whitey Bulger found guilty at last, with what ? Mafia is a thing of the past but organized crime is on the,I work with NSA (no strings attached),who cares ?
what else Science ? Are you racist ? 

A lot of events transpired since my arrival to the USA. My experiences and education from my native land were laden with skepticism and suspicion. The Philippines was colonized by the Spanish Empire from 1521 to 1898. At the Versailles Peace Treaty of December 10, 1898,
The USA government paid Spain $20 million for Cuba,Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
The Philippines is the only empire by the USA. The Philippines was granted its independence in 1935 and ratified their Philippine constitution copied from the USA Constitution.
It was amended numerous times including in 1986, when the government of the Philippines decided to shut down the US military bases in the Philippines. The Philippines asserted their sovereignty by kicking out the US military bases in the island nation. According to Philippine historians the USA military bases in the Philippines, is one of the major reasons why the Japanese Imperial Army, during World War II, bombed and destroyed the capital city of the Philippines. Centuries old building and artifacts were destroyed during the bombing. In our recent memory, Iraq's war with USA destroyed centuries old artifacts (Iraq invasion under GWB) ? It appeared history was repeated on the ebb of 21st century wars of colonization and imperialism ?
Science as a weapon of colonization ? A particular race asserting their superiority against a sovereign nation; Science of armaments, weaponry and war. It sounded like the drone program to take out "enemies of the state" English is my third language. You can help me edit my grammar etc.. (As long as you understand my english, there is no grave reasons to alter what I wrote.)
Another weapon of colonization is the english language. English,French,and Castillan Spanish are spoken by many white people. The white race invaded independent  nations in search of spices,gold,silver,slaves and other reasons related to maintaining and expanding their stranglehold of other non-white,and natural resources rich sovereign nations. Asia,South and Central America, and Africa are the classic example of this colonization and exploitation of white people. From advance science of navigation to armaments. Is science really racists ? What about illness like HIV/AIDS ? Why so many non-white people are affected by AIDS ? What is science doing to help the non-white afflicted by HIV/AIDS ?

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