Friday, May 2, 2014


You woke up this morning knowing the recent event in Nigeria, Ukraine, and Syria. All negative reports. Driving to work another driver cut you off from the normal flow of vehicular traffic. What can you do ?
Many will react angrily, just like many of us does, a natural reaction; Some will reflect and ask the question, what's the rush, it is Friday after all ? Friday or any day of the week, many "rush"...and we wonder why ? Did you know rushing creates unnecessary stress ? Remember stress is a reality, but we have to know when to stress out on "things". Some things are not worth the stress. A wise adage reminds us,  "Everything appeared important, but there are priorities".

Today is the "present", a gift. Live to the fullest for today is the day. You never know about tomorrow, except forecasting it. Work hard on what is in your control, today.   

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