Obeying the WORD of God is wisdom. Many of us, including me struggle with worldliness. We are flesh though our spirit is willing, our body often resisting. We seek comfort and pleasure. We often stumble because of our physical weakness. Is there a solution ? Yes.
The solution is something that will happen in God's time, and your persistence and enduring the long search. Our struggles can take forever, if not a short period of time. A bit depressing to think about it.
Do not over think this search. Go with the flow of the SPIRIT of Truth and LIFE. Confused ? Don't be. It took me thirty years to know and understand. I asked. I sought. I found the answer. I am no better than you. I am weak just like anyone else under the sun. I stumble but I get up. I fall and rise again. Living can be both fun and lonely. There are moments of loneliness, specially if you are alone. There are moments of sadness, specially if you lose someone you love. This is life. Without the torns and obstacles, life is not life. Easier said than done, yes. It is up to you to surrender yourself to God. Do not surrender yourselves to mortals, they will fail you. Do not trust your knowledge, do not trust your skill, do not trust anything except GOD. But where is God ? A great way to start searching for God. Ask the question you will be answered.
God is not a religion. A Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this: to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Yes, you can do this. I am living it. I am happy. I have peace.
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