The odds ("not Ides") of August - Augusto's Caesars' month. The Roman's still influence our day to day events through their ancient Roman calendar. Today, August 1, 2014, is the day of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (Roman Catholic). Like many other catholic saint's, he was devoted to the catholic church and its theology. He was a lawyer before becoming a priest; Alphonsus Maria Liguori is the founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists). The Redemptorist father's and missioners are noted for their work with the poor. Paradoxically, the Byzantine era tried to preserve the Roman Empire through embracing Christianity. It is perplexing, and mysterious enough how our God allows the secular world to use HIS creations, and SON, to promote the material intentions of the material world. Reminded us with the admonitions of Jesus Christ to HIS disciples, before He ascended to the Kingdom of the Father, " I am sending you among the wolves, be shrewd as a serpent, and be gentle as a lamb." The Roman Catholic Church has been the longest, wealthiest and most organized religion in the world. The Catholic Church underwent so many trials, tribulations, adversities, and schism. As an organization they have rules (Canon Laws) and other church mandates, that every catholics should obey. I will not presumed to know the intricacies, and complexity of the Roman Catholic Church and its organizational structure and operation. I am writing this not to criticize, or undermine, the ways of the catholic hierarchy and organization, but to honor the many priests and catholics devoted to Jesus, the Christ. I worked, and communed with so many priests, nuns and lay catholics, while working with the poorest among the poor. I witnessed their dedication in service of others. I became friends with so many of them, they are as great in comparison with the other members of other faiths, Christians or non-Christians. Most of them LOVE GOD above anything else, and Loved God's people as they loved themselves. I am writing this to honor the catholic practicing Christians living and those who went ahead of us.
A remarkable Monk named Victor counseled me, in my confusing years as a young idealists, He said, "When confronted with two evils, do good to overcome evil."
Many of my catholic family, friends, and mentors (I attended catholic high school) knew of my idealism since my childhood days. I love the poor people and those who have less material things in life. I learned to loved them because I was ambitious and bold enough to ask God, what shall I do to follow you ? He answered me through the poor people, and those I served.
I am a nobody but through God's mercy, blessings and kindness, I became someone...
We are called to serve God and God's people. We are called to love and not to hate. We are called to forgive, and receive forgiveness from ourselves, as we forgive others. It is not easy to love. For love is patient, kind, slow to anger and determined.
The True Church of God ? Search your heart, then pray for discernment from the Holy Spirit. Do not trust your flesh, your worldly knowledge, watch and pray, God in his time, you will know. God through the Holy Spirit cannot be deceived.
As I search for my own, in 1991, I discovered the WORD in James 1:27. I prayed and the Holy Spirit led me to the answer.
Pure religion and undefiled before our God and father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
"Seek God in your heart, not the knowledge you were taught"
The world can be confusing, and misleading, but the truth of God will free you from that burden." - Rodolfo Panizales through the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.
I was once a wretched sin full person, but God freed me from the burden of sin. All sins leads to death. Our physical death is the beginning of life, if you have the Christ, the Son, Jesus...What else can you ask if you have God in your life ?
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