Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Peccavimus enim et genus sumus (Latin)  meaning,We are all guilty of this...

 We are afraid of uncertainty.
 We worry too much. We blame others.
 We only think of our families, what about the other poor family ?
 We often see our perspectives, views, and opinions, better and superior compared to poor nations. We tend to know it all.
 We trust too much on formal knowledge.
 We missed the point of life. We are angry without knowing why ? We react, instead of being proactive. We focused on the cure not prevention. We limit ourselves. We think money is essential to help. We put a price on people. We depend on people's approval, and opinons of ourselves. We will deny this...
How can we sell ourselves to money, fame, status, false ideologies,materialism, pleasure, big homes, fat bank accounts, false sense of security for the future like building our "next (nest) eggs" for retirement ? Do you know the day that you will retire from life ? Do you know as long as you live you will labor ? Do you know the only rest you get in life is sleep ? How many hours do you sleep ? Do you sleep ? You compensate sleep with food, drinks, exercise, fun adventure, excitement, flesh seeking pleasure, nice houses, fat bank accounts...can you really buy your happiness, and your life ? What kind of life do you have ? You worry too much about the future, or you do not care about the plight of others, more people are dirt poor than rich. Do you have that illusion of material security on earth ?
What is the difference between you and the wicked and evil ? The wicked worry about their power, wealth and fame (reputation). The evil work hard to have big houses, fat bank account, and power. The evil and wicked work, to satisfy their materialism.
Isn't it life, more than food, fame, money, glory, status, PhD, titles, social status, nice and big kitchens, nice and comfortable bathrooms, big comfortable beds, an elaborate bedroom with bed closets, and other materialism ? Life is vanities, nothing but vanities. Chasing after the wind.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Maybe some of you, have read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" a nice, "well written" economically motivated story, a comparison between two people, one an accomplished and rich businessperson with less formal education, and the other, a very educated, and academically accomplished person, but poor. Which one would you choose ? 

I did not choose any. Material wealth and its pursuit, is chasing after the wind. Seeking worldly knowledge, is another folly...chasing after the wind. Life as it should be, that is my choice. I know so many rich people, and yet they are not happy, and contented; I met so many accomplished academics and many are "confused". It reminds me of what Socrates said, " More knowledge, more confusion." (paraphrased)

Yes, we mortals have so much blunders. We have the same problems, and challenges with our daily lives, history have demonstrated, only the characters and personalities changed. The same follies. For example, the economic challenges of the ancients, are similar to our economic challenges today, except we are talking in trillions, if not zillions. The poverty issues are the same to some varying degrees and extent. The social and political issues are similar likewise. Corrupt politicians, greedy landlords, and dishonest business practices. 

Now, you are wondering, how can we change this ? No, we cannot change anything or anyone. As the wise king said, " Life is all vanities, chasing after the wind." Except_________________.  
You have to fill in the blank. Search your lives. Check your happiness. Where does your heart resides ? Where are you going today ? What are you doing tonight. Are you ready, when the time you have on earth is ending ? 
Do you know when ? Of course, nobody knows. Preparation is of essence. Are you prepared ?
What is life after all ? 

            Thoughts for August 11, 2014
Have you noticed and felt the love of a little child ? Unconditional. Have you felt the hug of someone that really cares for you ? Extraordinarily warm. Have you felt loved ? I did. Once. Have you asked why many people are selfish ? I did. Do you wonder why many people are selfish ? Many did not feel loved, unconditionally. Many were not hug with extraordinary "warmness". Many missed someone really caring for them. Many never felt loved at all. Have you loved someone unconditionally ? 

Saturday, August 9, 2014


                Thoughts for August 9, 2014

I am not a prolific writer, but I write from my heart. Many years ago, I learned from a great mentor words of wisdom, he told me to speak and write, in order to convey my message to people, and not to impress people. I was pedantic during those years, I changed, and became a better person, (Not a polyglot, polemic, or jack of all trades, not a know it all type.)  I became a person filled with wisdom and experiences. 

I am not better compared to you, or any other people, or race because I have reasons to believe, you have to discover yourself, and your talents, strengths, and weakness, in order to reach or maximize your potentials. It is not an easy task, arduous, painful, embarrassing, and at times dangerous. You have to take the risk(s). I prefer the word, "calculated risk". You spend time thinking, reflecting and evaluating your actions. You have to check yourself, each morning you wake up you ask...What did I do right ? What did I do wrong ? 

I shared with you faithful readers, I achieved my "ivory tower" while young (25-26 years old), and reached my actualization (Maslow Hierarchy of Needs) stage after college. 

(I thought about this during a training, where one of our invited speakers, was one of my former law professors, and a retired judge. I did not have an opportunity to thank him for all his mentoring, before I moved to another place. I lived in many places in the world. Work and family reasons.)

I am contented with my life. Simple, and unassuming. I am happy with my vocation, helping those in need. One of my guiding wisdom came from Dale Carnegie, an inspirational speaker, and author of a book (Positive Thinking). Mr. Carnegie said, " Empty pockets never held back anyone, only an empty heart, and an empty mind can do that." and quote. This words has a profound impact in my life.

Another person I admired, was the late President Harry Truman. Not many people liked him. His decision to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima, is an unprecedented courage and decisive thinking among the many great people in the U.S.A . Humility is one of Harry's trademark. President Harry Truman was not a perfect person, but a good man who became better, and wisdom filled. President Truman died at 88. One of President Truman's traits (besides humility), was his honesty and simplicity.  He was an honest and unassuming man.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Most of us are familiar with the name 
Vincent Van Gogh, whose paintings' are not only worth so much money, but full of meanings, and infinity. Vincent Van Gogh was an obscure figure, unpopular, and labeled as insane. That's our world today, we label people, and call hopeless romantics and idealists, "not normal", radicals, subversives, and many other name calling. Many great thinkers and doers were advanced, not only in their thinking, but in their visions.
 Good and evil. Good is infinite, and evil is finite. All ends except GOOD is FOREVER.

 Tribulations, challenges and success.
Many failed because they did not try, or made an effort to be different. 
We measure success by material standards. Material is finite. If your success is measured by your money, wealth,  popularity, knowledge and titles...they end forever. You will be forgotten.

 On life. Material life is finite. So, what is the rush ?

 On forgiveness. It is hard. It takes time. 

 On Love. Perennial as the grass, and infinite.
God is LOVE. Why are we arguing, and fighting about faith, and God ? If God is LOVE, therefore religion is LOVE not hate. 

 On people. None pass the test except, those who discover themselves in time. 
People are finite, and flesh (material). They end. Though, it is worth trying to help people. Do not seek thank you, or pay back, you will be frustrated. People can be ungrateful. Help them because your heart tells you to help. People changes. People can be hot and cold. People can be confusing. People can be kind, and ruthless.
People are people. Why depend on people ?

On TRUST. Trust not yourself or others. Change is, your nemesis. Love people but do not trust them to love you back. Care for people but do not expect care from them. Be just and fair to people, so others  will be just and fair to you.
If they are not just and fair to you, you just achieved your hero status, and martyrdom.

On race. Racism is every race under the sun.

On death. It is the beginning of life.

On birth. Your preparation for life.

On heaven. No one seen heaven.  Accept yourself, I think it is heaven. Embrace your imperfections, I think it is eternity. Believe in a LOVING GOD, not necessarily a form of religion.

On hell. When you hate others. When you hate yourself. When you hate the day you were born. When you are jealous of others. When you are greedy. When you are idle. When you are adulterous. When you dishonor your parents. When you love money. When you seek titles and comfort. When you indulged in pleasure and gluttony. When you fear death. When you do not believe in God. 

On health. Ask God for health, God will grant your wish from your heart.

On marriage. Marriage is good, but LOVE is better.

On children. They have your last name, but, they are not yours to keep.

On happiness. When you stop complaining for being bored and lonely.

On pleasure. We are flesh, but we can overcome hedonism.      

Monday, August 4, 2014

All of us makes mistakes. Some learn and change, some continue their mistakes, and learning how to get away with consequences. Bad habits have a nasty way of ending. Making the same mistakes over and over again, is deadly. The wages of sins, is death. Biblical and Proverbial. Regardless of your faith, and religion this applies to everyone. 

You and I are not perfect, but we can be better than good. From our careers to selflessness.
When you do something good for others, it comes back better. Whether the person is paying it forward, or the person remembers you, and grateful for your Samaritan deeds, and decides to honor you. Either way, "all good ends well", most often.

Peace to you and keep doing good for others.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

As long as we are flesh, and living we will see, and experience tribulations. Life indeed, is chasing after the wind. A season under the sun.
Through your struggles, you find freedom, through your pain, you find endurance, through your sufferings,you find peace, through your hard work, you find rewards, through your persistence, you find accomplishments, through your tears, you find happiness, after all life is a constant challenge, where you find yourself, not only standing tall, not only counted among the stars, but happy and contented, for you found your way. 

The truth is, God is never been an organized religion, where people are exploited, the revelation of such experiences, showed us the weakness of anything made by ordinary mortals.
Do they have to be like the Greek gods and goddesses ? Anything made under the sun will melt, and fades. Anything made by mortals are bound to end. No gods  and goddesses, whether Romans or Greeks, Gentiles  or not can create the universe, and the splendor of life, except by someone more powerful than mortals; Mortals are weak, and frail. Who is that creator more powerful than us ? Nobody knows, unless you found it, and answered all your confusions, and fears. Yes, there is God, but you have to discover it, yourself. You are the only one, that can see, you are the only one that can feel, you are the only one, for you were alone when you came in to the material world.

Yes, in pain you find comfort and strength, in sufferings and tribulations, you find your courage, 
In loneliness, you find happiness,
In your fears, you find your limits,
In your confusions, you find clarity,
In doubts, you find your answers,
In your journey, you find yourself.

The journey is never painless, and joy...
In your travels, you will find good and bad...
In the road less travel leads you to no where...
You have to find the directions, the guide and the compass, to serve as your beacon...
For the days can be cloudy, and some nights can be without stars,
Do not worry...you find your way if you know where you are bound to... 


Saturday, August 2, 2014

There is nothing wrong with money, or making money, unless the majority of the world's population, are dying of preventable illnesses due to poverty. Outside of highly developed economies, many have no toilets, or nutritious food to eat. Their natural resources like trees, minerals, and others, are siphoned by affluent nations and the few filthy rich corporations. Check, read, visit and see for yourselves poor people in nations like India, China, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Ivory Coast, Uganda, Kenya, Eritrea, South Africa, the Congo Republic, and many other poor nations. 

Dear Extremely Affluent people,

Donating a small percent of your billions is not enough. Stop exploiting the worker in poor countries, where labor is cheap. You are wicked and evil for putting profit before people. May God open your eyes, and repent, or the Almighty God will send you an illness or disease or tragedies that your money cannot buy. You will reap what you sow. You are here today, tomorrow you are gone. 

I hope if you hear the WORD...you will change.
What profit will a person earned, if they lose themselves in misery and hell on earth ?
The fire from heaven will strike the wicked and evil. You do not know when the God of Creation will take you away. Stop your follies and wickedness...everything ends.


Obeying the WORD of God is wisdom. Many of us, including me struggle with worldliness. We are flesh though our spirit is willing, our body often resisting. We seek comfort and pleasure. We often stumble because of our physical weakness. Is there a solution ? Yes. 
The solution is something that will happen in God's time, and your persistence and enduring the long search. Our struggles can take forever, if not a short period of time. A bit depressing to think about it.
Do not over think this search. Go with the flow of the SPIRIT of Truth and LIFE. Confused ? Don't be. It took me thirty years to know and understand. I asked. I sought. I found the answer. I am no better than you. I am weak just like anyone else under the sun. I stumble but I get up. I fall and rise again. Living can be both fun and lonely. There are moments of loneliness, specially if you are alone. There are moments of sadness, specially if you lose someone you love. This is life. Without the torns and obstacles, life is not life. Easier said than done, yes. It is up to you to surrender yourself to God. Do not surrender yourselves to mortals, they will fail you. Do not trust your knowledge, do not trust your skill, do not trust anything except GOD. But where is God ? A great way to start searching for God. Ask the question you will be answered.
God is not a religion. A Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this: to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Yes, you can do this. I am living it. I am happy. I have peace.

Friday, August 1, 2014

One of my favorite Proverbs, is the prayer of the righteous...
"Lord do not give me too much, or I will forget you...
Do not deny me with what I need or else I will steal." Many of us who served the many poor, are familiar with this Proverbs.
God never denied anyone with their basic needs such as food, shelter, health care, and others, necessary not only for our survival, but also in order to live with DIGNITY.
If you remember the story of the sisters who poured the perfume on Jesus during a wedding feast, wherein Judas Iscariot rebuked them, and said, " The poor can benefit from such perfume wasted on Jesus." It was a profound event, wherein Jesus answered, " The poor you will always have..." Of course Jesus was making a reference to his death and burial preparations. But, in a human perspective, (even the Divine ?) the sufferings  of so many poor people today, is not comparable to the sufferings of the people during the time of Jesus. In many of the stories  told in the Holy Bible (New Testament), there was  exhortations and commands for the believers to feed the hungry, to visit those in jail,  visit the sick, cloth the naked...
We missed the relevance of our faith and religion, if we do not cater and assists to the needs of the many poor. Not only that the basic needs of the many poor people are denied, but their basic human rights are trampled upon, and often denied. 
The 21st century United States of America, is a better nation despite of our economic challenges. We have emerged from many tribulations, the depression, wars, and even the tragic event of September 11, 2001. Many of us lost someone in that building.
But, hatred will not heal the wound, to the perpetrator of the cruelty, to the many innocent and hardworking people in the NYC Twin Tower. Numerous Pilipinos (mostly ordinary workers, waiters, and restaurant helpers died on the upper floor of the tower restaurant/cafe. Poor people making ends meet, with a simple desire to make their economic lots better. 

Many people born in the United States of America never seen the poverty of Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and a few other obscure islands in the Pacific, and the Caribbean.
Do you know why wars were fought ? One of the few reason(s) is, economic survival, power and political- economic ambitions, meaning "materialism and dominance".

Of course, World War II was a war of freedom for many oppressed and suppressed people, by the Nazi's and the member of the Axis power (Japan and Italy) The Japanese Imperial Army destroyed the Philippine capital (Manila), and killed hundreds of thousands of Pilipinos (women, children, men) mostly civilians. Same with Nazi Germany, millions of people perished in Europe.. (The Japanese Imperial Army committed atrocities in China during World War II.)

What is the significance of this ? To poverty ? Ironically, despite of their defeat in World War II, Japan and Germany are the most stable economy today, and they have less poverty. You wonder why ?  Not a simple answer. I want you to focus and study history and current events. 

Hate will not change anything. The late Nelson Mandela said, "Education is the greatest weapon that can change the world."
Educate yourselves by reading history books, read current events, listen to lectures in schools and places like libraries. Ask questions, and assert your rights as Americans. 

Always remember God is not a religion. I am a Christian but I will never force you to believe what I believe. I will defend your dignity and rights to be human first, then maybe religious later ?
How can we teach others the goodness of God, when many are starving ? How can we teach our God is a God of peace, if we wage wars ? How can you convince a young person to do the right things while we have an amoral and immoral existence ?
How can I convince you to love God, if I hate you ? I did not see God, and it would be hypocrisy to say, I believe in God, and I hate you ? Our God is a God of LOVE. He will LOVE you whoever you are. Jew or Gentiles, Muslim or not, Hindu or Buddhist, poor or rich, schooled or UN-schooled, articulate or stuttering. Whoever you are white, black, yellow, brown, red skins...God LOVES YOU as YOU ARE. 


The odds ("not Ides") of August - Augusto's Caesars' month. The Roman's still influence our day to day events through their ancient Roman calendar. Today, August 1, 2014, is the day of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (Roman Catholic). Like many other catholic saint's, he was devoted to the catholic church and its theology. He was a lawyer before becoming a priest; Alphonsus Maria Liguori is the founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists). The Redemptorist father's and missioners are noted for their work with the poor. Paradoxically, the Byzantine era tried to preserve the Roman Empire through embracing Christianity. It is perplexing, and mysterious enough how our God allows the secular world to use HIS creations, and SON, to promote the material intentions of the material world. Reminded us with the admonitions of Jesus Christ to HIS disciples, before He ascended to the Kingdom of the Father, " I am sending you among the wolves, be shrewd as a serpent, and be gentle as a lamb." The Roman Catholic Church has been the longest, wealthiest and most organized religion in the world. The Catholic Church underwent so many trials, tribulations, adversities, and schism. As an organization they have rules (Canon Laws) and other church mandates, that every catholics should obey. I will not presumed to know the intricacies, and complexity of the Roman Catholic Church and its organizational structure and operation. I am writing this not to  criticize, or undermine, the ways of the catholic hierarchy and organization, but to honor the many priests and catholics devoted to Jesus, the Christ. I worked, and communed with so many priests, nuns and lay catholics, while working with the poorest among the poor. I witnessed their dedication in service of others. I became friends with so many of them, they are as great in comparison with the other members of other faiths, Christians or non-Christians. Most of them LOVE GOD above anything else, and Loved God's people as they loved themselves. I am writing this to honor the catholic practicing Christians living and those who went ahead of us.
A remarkable Monk named Victor counseled me, in my confusing years as a young idealists,  He said, "When confronted with two evils, do good to overcome evil." 

 Many of my catholic family, friends, and mentors (I attended catholic high school) knew of my idealism since my childhood days.  I love the poor people and those who have less material things in life. I learned to loved them because I was ambitious and bold enough to ask God, what shall I do to follow you ? He answered me through the poor people, and those I served. 

I am a nobody but through God's mercy, blessings and kindness, I became someone...

We are called to serve God and God's people. We are called to love and not to hate. We are called to forgive, and receive forgiveness from ourselves, as we forgive others. It is not easy to love. For love is patient, kind, slow to anger and determined.

The True Church of God ? Search your heart, then pray for discernment from the Holy Spirit. Do not trust your flesh, your worldly knowledge, watch and pray, God in his time, you will know. God through the Holy Spirit cannot be deceived.
As I search for my own, in 1991, I discovered the WORD in James 1:27. I prayed and the Holy Spirit led me to the answer.
Pure religion and undefiled  before our God and father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

"Seek God in your heart, not the knowledge you were taught" 
The world can be confusing, and misleading, but the truth of God will free you from that burden." - Rodolfo Panizales through the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. 

I was once a wretched sin full person, but God freed me from the burden of sin. All sins leads to death. Our physical death is the beginning of life, if you have the Christ, the Son, Jesus...What else can you ask if you have God in your life ?



Thursday, July 31, 2014

We honor God by serving others. Through our selfless dedication to service of others, we glorify God. Our nation, the United States of America, is a great nation. A nation established by imperfections, blood and tears, but bound for greatness. Greater than the Romans and the Greeks, greater than any ancient Kingdom except, God's. God blessed our nation, because He blessed us as people of God. 

It is embodied in our US Constitution, the Preamble speaks about our cherished faith not only to democracy, but to the Divine Providence, the creator of heaven and earth, the God of Abraham. We are a nation blessed despite of our imperfections. Through our weaknesses, we acknowledged the need for God. We sought pride, to be our slogan, proud to be Americans, but there are better words than pride. Pride is vanity. Vanity is temporary, chasing after the wind. Our confidence as a people, is not superficial. Many of our Christian and non-Christian soldiers, whose bravery is commendable and worthy of emulation, died for their nation under God, and not under any duress, or force, committed everything, and giving the ultimate sacrifice. We are a strong nation because we are UNITED under God, divided we fall.

God Bless America. 

Democracy, and Prosperity without Peace is not secured, and Justice without Love is an empty promise. - Rodolfo Panizales
  Please read this. From my other blogs: reallyspecialpeople.
Why are you so special ? You do not need to be somebody to be labeled special. Interestingly, the special needs population, are indeed special people. I spent more than 16 years  in the field of autism, mental retardation, mental illness, the study and work of the special needs people, is a remarkable experience. I learned a lot. It is humbling to note, many of the so-called slow and developmentally challenged people and children, are really faster and advanced, compared to many of us. They are advanced in many ways - not materialism. They live life as it should be, and not what it is. Their innocence protected them from the many pains and evil of the world. Their truthfulness enable them to smile at you without pretensions, and conditions. Some people values dogs compared to people. They should try working, if not adopting people or children with special needs, they are much better than dogs - they are human beings. I have dogs, but also look forward each day, enjoying the company of special people. 

There are special people out there. They serve others without conditions. They help others without publicity. They are honest and happy to help without strings attached. Why can't we just do that ? It could help us a lot. The many people serving the poor and the sick. The two health workers, who contracted the Ebola virus, took the risks, serving people. God will never forget that. As the Lord said, " If you lose your life in serving me, you will live again." It is difficult to understand this. It is perplexing and daunting to think about the consequences of doing the right things. Many Christians and martyrs died  for others. Many non-Christians sacrificed because of their ideals. What is the difference between a non-Christian, and Christians of the 21st century ? If you have been chosen to become really special, you will know the answer. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

In losing a dear friend, the pain can penetrate your inner most being. Losing a friend and a good man, a selfless soul of a man, is compounding that pain, penetrating your heart and mind. 

I met Past Grand Knight Jack Buonopane in 2009. An extremely likable person. Caring. Dedicated. A man of few words but honorable.
He was always there when you call on him. He was that dedicated, of a leader, and a person, he will not hesitate to give his shirt off his back at moments notice of a need. I cannot think of a grandiose word to describe Jack. 

Jack is a wonderful person to talk to. While I was serving as Grand Knight of the Braintree Council, I would see and talk to Jack after the mass on Sundays at St. Claire Church in Braintree. St. Claire is one of our parishes in the jurisdiction of the Braintree Council.
I usually (if I am not at work, with my regular employment) make it a point to talk and see Jack B., seeing and getting his wisdom on Council matters. PGK Jack B. was one of my Council advisers, while performing my role as grand knight of the Braintree Council of the Knights of Columbus. He was also in charge of the Tootsie Roll Program documents processing for applicants (children with disabilities) . He was exemplary in the performance of his council mandates.

Jack B., a friend, a brother, a father to everyone (Jack has no children, I have been teasing Jack for years to adopt me.), a husband a knight and good man who choose greatness by serving others. 

This poem ,I am dedicating to the great man who faded away, but soon we will see him, in the day promised. 

                 To Jack from us.

You are not just a man but a good man.
Your wonderful deeds were not forgotten.
You might have left, but we will see you again.
Today is yours, tomorrow ours. Now, you received your everlasting rewards for your greatness. 
You are surely missed, and adored.
You are part of us and you will always be.
You have touched so many hearts, you have changed so many lives.
Your commitment to serve not only our Council, but others, have earned a space in our Deity's mansion.
You have shared your kindness and gifts in making our difficult world, a better place to live.
You have embodied the ideals of modesty and kindness, your humility worthy of emulation.
How can we forget you ?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

In the succeeding months starting in June, 2014

Hello my loyal viewers and readers during the months after May, 2014
I will feature more people after I interview them for this article.
If you know anyone that deserves recognition, please email me at jd.phd.2togo@gmail.com


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

1. WHO ?

  1. She is a winner. Ms. Joan Price. In fact, she is my Boston Marathon favorite this year, 2014. She is really a special person.
    She taught us that the journey matters, whether you are young or not so young anymore ? As the saying goes, only horses grow in years, not us.
    We walk, we run, the journey is the most rewarding not the destination.
    I do not mind finishing last. The journey matters. I finished last, I failed a few times, I stumbled, I mumbled, and I never gave up when some gave up on me. Remember our race with Continental Air in 1995 ? I was the last runner to reach the finish line. I felt like a winner...Remember our climb to Mt. Washington ? Remember our 86 miles trek from Samos, Spain to Santiago Campostela ? The journey taught me a lot.
    You make decisions. Its yours. Not others to make on your journey. Know what is in your heart not mind. 

    At 8:06 p.m., 73-year-old Hull resident Joan Price became the last person to finish this year's Boston Marathon. She started at 11:30 a.m., but got lost near the end of the course, she said.
    More photos from the finish line: http://bit.ly/1pnxdVg
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  2. Paradigm.
    Yours. Your perception of reality.
    Check if there is the possibility of shifting to help others.
    Many does not realize that what happens to many people will impact each one of us, directly or indirectly. The material poverty of so many people. They are not lazy. They are not dull or dumb.

    Being able to travel (traveled and lived in many parts of the world taught me that all of us, are the same; Breathing the same air except the polluted air of some cities.

    May the Supreme Power in Heaven guide you in your journey.
    You only fail when you give up.
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  3. Looking at the problem with a ready, well-thought solution

    Tonight, one of my fraternal organizations honored Dr. King a Massachusetts General Hospital surgeon, with a service award.
    Dr. King is a marathon runner, participated in the Boston Marathon last 2013, and after his marathon run that fateful day in 2013, operated patients for 30 hours at the MGH - where many victims from the Boston 2013 marathon bombing were taken to the hospital with life threatening injuries.

    There are so many unsung heroes in the world. You are maybe one of them
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  4. When you see children dying of poverty related causes, and people dying from hunger...what do we do ?
    Some donates. Are you sure the money you donate is given 100% of its value to the poor ? Are you sure your money does not create more poverty among many people ? You have been donating for many years, and why is it poverty is increasing instead of decreasing ?

    We can change things.
    1. Empower p...
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  1. Rodolfo, where do you work?
    55% complete
    20 more pending items

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Traveling for many years in many parts of the Philippines, and including my international "adventure" and quest, to answer all my questions since then; meanwhile, "reminiscing my initial 'awakening' about poverty, in a grade school for poor people, a 'public elementary school' ..."

UN Diplomats to head of states and many others, I watched and observed them, "intensed" but quietly taking mental notes of their authenticity.
One of them I recently met at a Harvard Conference,
"Professor" Douglas Broderick, a career diplomat.

Another caring soul I met, was the most unusual of all - this person has a different background and orientation from mine, an Irishman and career "NSA" man (He died in 2000 from a heart disease) We became close friends, of course he thought of recruiting me (joke), P.H. knew where I stand, when it comes to numerous things specially, "States" matter. I admired PH patriotism and dedication to service. He was not a politician, he was a "public servant, one of the best among the best servants I met.

I love people and sincere about my intentions with others. I want every democratic nations to succeed. I do not like people being exploited, or oppressed. I believe in old fashion honesty, I believe in authentic talents not made or molded through the Greeks or Roman ways. You know what, I meant.

Friday, March 28, 2014

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 CNS Story:

LABOR DAY Aug-7-2013 (750 words) xxxn

Bishop says joblessness, exploitation denying millions 'honor, respect'

By Mark Pattison
Catholic News Service

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Millions of workers are being denied the honor and respect they deserve because of a lack of jobs, underemployment, low wages and exploitation, according to the bishop who heads the U.S. bishops' Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development.

"Earlier this year, Pope Francis pointed out, 'Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person. ... It gives one the ability to maintain oneself, one's family, to contribute to the growth of one's own nation,'" said Bishop Stephen E. Blaire of Stockton, Calif., in the U.S. bishops' annual Labor Day statement.

"Unfortunately, millions of workers today are denied this honor and respect as a result of unemployment, underemployment, unjust wages, wage theft, abuse and exploitation," Bishop Blaire said. The 1,200-word statement, dated Labor Day, Sept. 2, was available Aug. 6 on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops website, www.usccb.org.

"The economy is not creating an adequate number of jobs that allow workers to provide for themselves and their families," Bishop Blaire said.

"More than 4 million people have been jobless for over six months, and that does not include the millions more who have simply lost hope. For every available job, there are often five unemployed and underemployed people actively vying for it. This jobs gap pushes wages down. Half of the jobs in this country pay less than $27,000 per year. More than 46 million people live in poverty, including 16 million children."

In his message, Bishop Blaire quoted from "Gaudium et Spes" (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World), one of the more influential documents of the Second Vatican Council: "While an immense number of people still lack the absolute necessities of life, some, even in less advanced areas, live in luxury or squander wealth."

"How can it be said that persons honor one another when such 'extravagance and wretchedness exist side by side'?" he asked. Those words, Bishop Blaire noted, "seem to be just as true today."

Bishop Blaire also quoted from Pope Benedict XVI's 2009 encyclical "Caritas in Veritate," ("Charity in Truth"), which also dealt in part with the specter of inequality.

"The dignity of the individual and the demands of justice require, particularly today, that economic choices do not cause disparities in wealth to increase in an excessive and morally unacceptable manner," Pope Benedict said, "and that we continue to prioritize the goal of access to steady employment for everyone."

Bishop Blaire spoke of the importance of unions in his statement.

"Since the end of the Civil War, unions have been an important part of our economy because they provide protections for workers and more importantly a way for workers to participate in company decisions that affect them. Catholic teaching has consistently affirmed the right of workers to choose to form a union. The rise in income inequality has mirrored a decline in union membership," he said.

"Unions, like all human institutions, are imperfect, and they must continue to reform themselves so they stay focused on the important issues of living wages and appropriate benefits, raising the minimum wage, stopping wage theft, standing up for safe and healthy working conditions, and other issues that promote the common good."

The bishop also spoke about how workers' issues are tied to other issues. "High unemployment and underemployment are connected to the rise in income inequality," he said. Such inequality leads to an erosion of social cohesion, he said, and puts democracy at risk.

"The pain of the poor and those becoming poor in the rising economic inequality of our society is mounting," Bishop Blaire added.

At its best, private enterprise creates "decent jobs," contributes to the common good and puts people ahead of profits, he said.

"Whenever possible we should support businesses and enterprises that protect human life and dignity, pay just wages and protect workers' rights," Bishop Blaire added. "We should support immigration policies that bring immigrant workers out of the shadows to a legal status and offer them a just and fair path to citizenship, so that their human rights are protected and the wages for all workers rise."

At the end of the Mass, the congregation is sent forth to "go and announce the Gospel of the Lord," he noted, and everyone departs with "a sense of mission to show one another honor by what we do and say."

"On this Labor Day, our mission takes us to the millions of people who continue to suffer the effects of the current economy," he said.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Politics, Economics and thoughts that matters:

The material poverty of the many, cannot be solve by the few. - Rodolfo Panizales

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