Saturday, March 1, 2014


The only permanent thing is change, as we are told. We can change indeed from our amoral existence to moral existence. We do not need to resort to alcohol or any other substance that suspend our amoral existence. We can start with analyzing ourselves. Am I going in the right direction ? Many missed the question, where am I going at an early age. Some asked this question while in high school or during puberty, some were busy partying or having fun...just like how the ancient Roman and Greeks elites partied. We still have it today. Many of you have heard hedonism ? You see this everyday in the United States of America. A billionaire buying a 90 million dollars apartment in 157 New York City to Hollywood stars changing partners as often they changed their wardrobes. Are you like them ? In a microcosm ? Feeling trapped by the excesses  of the material world ? Remember change is the only permanent thing.
Change starts with you and I. Not just me or you. You and I change and we become a moral force to reckon if not emulate. By our moral existence, we invite the curiosity of others because leading a moral life is part of being HAPPY all the time.  

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