Friday, July 4, 2014

Ciphering 2

          2 Thoughts for July 4th

The guile and gullible. 
- Two kinds of people.

The worldly and the idealist.
- Two of a kind. The fool and the foolish.

The rich and the poor.
- The exploiter, and the exploited.

The powerful and the powerless.
- One with the strength, another with weakness.

The wise, and the fool.
One is good, one is better.

The beginning, the end.
One is exciting, and the other is fulfilling.

The moment, and the past.
One is hope, the other is a learning that cannot be undone.

The teacher, and the student.
Teachers listens, the students learning.

Peace and War.
One destroys, the other builds.

The God, and the godless.
One was found, the other is lost.

Hunger and pain.
Both are sufferings. One is permanent, the other is passing.

Why two ?    

 Two reasons why July 4th matters to me:

1. The Flag.     2. The Nation.

Since then the United States have evolved from many of their follies to becoming a good nation with a bright future - to become the greatest democracy in the world. Not a country that exploits, or a country that "control" the destiny of others, but a country that may realized Plato's dream of a Republic. Authentic and Meritocratic, not princely or exclusive but inclusive, not idle but hardworking, not opportunistic but focus towards improvement of all, not insincere but honest to learn from their blunders, not warring but friendly enough to create fiends.
Why 2 ? 2 is not perfect neither others numbers. Why 2 ? Because with one it starts with you and two it begins today not tomorrow.
2 because it is you have been given first and second chances, the next is not a charm but schism that can divide further, two because it will take you and I to change, 2...why 2 ?

 Land of democracy and justice for all...

Most people in the United States of America are not racist. The few ignorant and greedy one's thought otherwise.
The incident in Murrieta, California is not the United States of America.
The few racist and bigots are immigrants themselves. It just so happen that they came first. I do not know if the few ignorant and bigots were awake during their US History class, or probably they skipped their history class ?
This United States will become stronger because of different cultures UNITED in one...Democracy and Justice for all.

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